Asphalt Patching

Let’s get your business looking its very best

Any paved area can start to show signs of wear over time. Natural elements like heat, cold, sun, and water can wear away at the strength of the asphalt and the simple act of constantly driving on it can depreciate it as well. Don’t worry, however. This can happen to Hardrock Pavement has the perfect solution for your needs and we have a quick fix for it.

Constant or prolonged wear can create cracks or holes in your pavement, which is not very aesthetically pleasing to visitors. These cracks or holes can also be dangerous to drivers and require a fast fix with asphalt patching repair. If these cracks are left they can become a trip-and-fall liability and cost even more to repair, water could fill them up, then freeze them in colder temperatures. Since water expands when it freezes, it could cause the cracks to get worse and require even more effort to fix.

Let Us Restore Your Pavement

Asphalt is a durable material choice for parking lots. however, it can start to develop failures as it ages. At Hardrock Pavement, we offer asphalt patching to make sure your large or small failures are restored and don’t become worse. One factor of pavement failures can be heavyweight. If your pavement experiences the weight of large, heavy vehicles on a regular basis, the constant weight can cause stress and in turn, failures. Another factor is UV rays, which can break down the asphalt binder over time and cause failures.

Helping Prevent Bigger Issues

Potholes can be a big problem – not only for your pavement but also for those who use it. When you have a pothole, it severely compromises the strength of your driveway, roadway, or parking lot. In addition, it can cause damage to the vehicles that drive over it and can even be dangerous for those walking near it. At Hardrock Pavement, we offer pothole repair that can address the depression, fill it in, smooth it out to level and restore your pavement.

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